Enrolment at Pukekohe Intermediate is governed by an enrolment scheme.
Please phone the school (09) 238 6568 if you have any questions regarding enrolment.
Prospective parents should be aware of Government requirements for the school to sight an original birth certificate for all students enrolling, plus a passport and visa for students not born in New Zealand. As we cannot confirm an enrolment until these documents have been sighted, please make sure you have them available at the time of enrolment.
How To Enrol
2025 Enrolment
From a Contributing School
Information for Year 6 parents wishing to enrol their child at the Intermediate School in 2025 will be sent home with children from our contributing schools: Mauku, Patumahoe, Pukekohe East, Pukekohe Hill, Puni, Tamaoho and Valley Primary Schools.
Enrolments can be completed either by filling in the enrolment form in the prospectus, or online HERE
Read the instructions carefully and complete all sections of the form to ensure you have successfully completed your child’s enrolment.
From a Non-Contributing School
Parents with students in other schools can pick up an enrolment pack from the school or enrol online HERE
Read the instructions carefully and complete all sections of the form to ensure you have successfully completed your child’s enrolment. Attach a copy your child's birth certificate or passport and a recent school report. If your child has learning, pastoral or behavioural needs, please make an appointment with the school office.
2024 Enrolment
If you are enrolling your child to start during the school year, please contact the Student Centre on 09 238 6568 to make an appointment with our Deputy Principal.
Pick up an enrolment pack from the school or enrol online HERE
Read the instructions carefully and complete all sections of the form, to ensure you have successfully completed your child’s enrolment. Attach a copy your child's birth certificate or passport and a recent school report.
Contact the school to make an appointment to complete the enrolment.
Out of Zone Enrolments
Applications for out of zone enrolment can be made at the school, up to and including 4.00 pm on Wednesday 4 September 2024.
If a ballot is necessary, this will take place on Wednesday 11 September and
all applicants notified in writing by Friday 13 September 2024.
Application forms are available from the school Student Centre or can be downloaded here.
A detailed description of our zone is here.